How can I find books or materials on a topic?
To find books in our library, consult the Library Catalog. You can also Search Other Libraries for additional research options. Our books are shelved in call number order using the Library of Congress Classification System.
For help searching the catalog or GALILEO, please use one of our Ask a Librarian options.
I have found a citation to a journal using GALILEO. How do I go about finding the journal?
Check the Journal Finder to see if we have a print or electronic copy of the journal for the date range that matches your citation. For more details, please visit our Journal Finder Help page.
How do I get help learning to use library resources?
Please contact a reference librarian using one of our Ask a Librarian options. Also consult our information literacy section or consider attending some of our instruction programs.
Can alumni or visitors use the library?
We have recently updated our visitors’ policy. Alumni are welcome to use the library. Unaffiliated visitors and alumni should consult our visitors’ policy.
I lost money in the library vending machines. What do I do?
If you lose money in the vending machines located in the 24-hour room, please visit Aramark Dining Services for reimbursement. The Dining Hall is located on the second floor of the Turner Lynch Campus Center.
How long does it take to get an interlibrary loan book / article?
The average turnaround time is a business week. This varies depending on type of material and lender.
What are the Oglethorpe University Museum of Art’s hours?
For information on the OUMA, including hours of operation and current exhibition information, please see theĀ museum’s website.