Current students, faculty, and staff of Oglethorpe University may access most of the library’s licensed research resources from off-campus.
Please contact the library if you are experiencing any problems accessing resources off-campus. Be sure you are accessing GALILEO through the Philip Weltner Library webpage.
GALILEO Password
Many GALILEO resources require Oglethorpe’s password for off-campus access. You will be prompted if the password is necessary to use a resource. You may also enter the password in the “Home/Password Access” box on the GALILEO homepage.
To locate the current GALILEO password:
To view the current GALILEO password, please log into Moodle and click “What is the GALILEO password?” in the top section of the landing page.
You can also email [email protected] from your Oglethorpe email account and ask for the current password.
Please remember that the password changes three times a year.