Renew Online


Can I renew items?

Books, sound recordings, and movies may be renewed as long as the item has not been recalled or placed on hold. The number of times an item can be renewed varies by item and patron type. See “how long is the check out period” below for more information.

How do I renew items?

Items can be renewed via email, over the phone, or in person. After you have reached your renewal limit, items must be brought to the Circulation Desk for additional renewals.

How do I renew my items online?

Currently, we are unable to renew items online. If you are unable to visit the library, please contact [email protected] from your Oglethorpe email account to renew your items.


Who may check out materials at the Philip Weltner Library?

1) Current Oglethorpe University students, faculty, and staff:

  • Present a valid OU Petrel Pass or government-issued photo ID to check out materials.
  • Spouse, partners, and dependents of faculty and staff may obtain borrowing privileges. See the Circulation Desk for details.

2) Oglethorpe University Alumni who live in the Atlanta area:

  • Alumni who are residents of the Atlanta area can receive borrowing privileges upon presentation of a current alumni card and after Library staff ensure that there are no administrative holds on the alumni’s account. Alumni may only check-out material Monday-Saturday. For details on obtaining a current alumni card, please contact the Alumni Office at [email protected].

3) Students, faculty, and staff from the following ARCHE schools may check out books:

Agnes Scott College
Brenau University
Clark Atlanta University
Clayton State University
Columbia Theological Seminary
Emory University
Georgia Gwinnett College
Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia State University
Interdenominational Theological Center
Kennesaw State University
Mercer University, Atlanta Campus
Mercer University
Morehouse College
Morehouse College School of Medicine
Spelman College
University of Georgia
University of West Georgia

In order to borrow material, patrons from all ARCHE schools must present a valid, college-issued ID and a current Interlibrary Use (ILU) card. ILU cards must be obtained from an ARCHE students’ home library. For more information on ARCHE’s Library Collaboration, please click here.

What materials can be checked out?

Most books, movies, sound recordings, and reserve materials circulate, though some reserve items are limited to library-use only.

Items that do not circulate, unless by special arrangement, are:

  • periodicals (magazines, journals, and newspapers)
  • reference books
  • microfilm and microform
  • special collections materials

Is there a limit on the number of items that OU students, staff, and faculty can check out?


How long is the check out period?

Books: 30 days, 2 renewals
Audiovisual materials: 7 days, 2 renewals
Reserve materials: varies by item, usually 3 hours, 3 days, or overnight

Books: Through the end of the academic year, unlimited renewals: A faculty renewal period occurs during the first two weeks of August.
Audiovisual materials: 7 days, 2 renewals

Books: 30 days, 3 renewals
Audiovisual materials: 7 days, 2 renewals

Books (maximum of 2): 30 days, 2 renewals
Audiovisual materials (maximum of 2 DVDs and 3 CDs): 7 days, 2 renewals

ILU users:
Books: 30 days, 2 renewals

Where can I return items?

Books can be returned to the Circulation Desk or in the book drop located in the parking lot behind Lowry Hall. Reserve items, videos, and sound recordings should be returned at the Circulation Desk to avoid damage. Borrowers will be responsible for AV materials damaged in the book drop. The book drop is checked once in the morning. Items returned during the day may not be discharged until the next day. Borrowers are responsible for any fines that accrue on items until they are discharged.

Borrower Responsibilities

The borrower bears all responsibility for materials checked out on his or her card. Receipts for returned items are available upon request. Patrons are encouraged to take an active part in ensuring the accuracy of their contact information and library record.

The Circulation and Reserves Desk is where you:

  • Check in/out library materials, reserves, and Interlibrary Loan items
  • Activate and update your patron record
  • Obtain general information about the library
  • Pay for copies
  • Pay for fines
  • Place searches for items not found on shelves

Location: 1st Floor, near the main entrance
Phone: 404-364-8511
Hours: The Circulation and Reserves Desk is staffed when the library is open.


What is a hold?

A hold is a process to request an item that is currently checked out. The current borrower will not be able to renew the item, and you will be next in line to receive it once the item is returned.

How can I place a hold on an item that is checked out?

Inform the circulation staff which item you want to place on hold. When the item is returned, you will be notified that the item is available for pick-up at the Circulation Desk.

What is a recall?

If a book is already checked out, the current borrower will be notified that another patron needs the book and will be asked to return it early.

How can I recall a book that someone else has?

Notify a staff member at the Circulation Desk.

Why did I get a recall notice?

Any item you have had checked out for at least two weeks is subject to recall. If another user requests the item, you will receive a recall notice. Return the item by the new due date on the recall notice to avoid a fine.

How long do I have to return a recalled item?

You have 7 days from the day the notice was sent to return the item.

Registration Blocks, Fines and Fees

Oglethorpe University students:

  • Students do not pay fines on standard overdue items, but replacement costs are assessed once items become 40 days overdue.
  • Students who have any overdue items may have registration and transcripts blocked until items are renewed or returned.
  • Overdue fines accrue on recalled items at $1.00 per day.
  • Overdue fines accrue on reserve items at $1.00 per day.
  • Library privileges will be suspended and transcripts and registration will be blocked if:
    • Replacement costs have been assessed and remain unpaid, or
    • Another ARCHE library has notified us that you have outstanding fines or fees on your ILU patron account.

Oglethorpe University faculty and staff:

  • Faculty and staff do not pay fines on standard overdue items, but replacement costs are assessed once items become 40 days overdue.
  • Overdue fines accrue on recalled items at $1.00 per day.
  • Library privileges will be suspended once replacement costs have been accessed.

All other borrowers:

  • Overdue fines on standard items are $1.00 per day. Replacement costs are assessed and your patron record is blocked once items become 40 days overdue.
  • Overdue fines accrue on recalled items at $1.00 per day.
  • Students at other schools may find their registration and transcripts blocked due to outstanding fines and books that are more than 40 days overdue. Items that are over 40 days overdue are billed to borrowers to cover replacement costs and fees.

Fees for lost or damaged items are assessed as follows:

  • The total cost per lost item is $60. The total cost comes from the replacement fee, which is $35 (one book costs the library an average of $52 to replace), plus the cost of the processing fee for each item, which is $25. The payment may be made to the library by check or cash.

Missing Materials

What do I do if I cannot find a book, and the catalog shows that it is not checked out?

Please notify a member of the library staff. You will be notified within 2 business days about the status of the item.

What do I do if I cannot find a journal that should be on the shelves?

Check with a member of the library staff who may be able to locate it for you.

Patron Account

Before checking out materials for the first time, you will need to activate your patron record at the circulation desk. Students, faculty, and staff should present their Petrel Pass. All other borrowers will need a current photo ID and an Interlibrary Use card from your home library.

Accessing your account:

To obtain information about your library account, please contact [email protected] from your Oglethorpe email address.