MS 33 Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost
MS 33

Descriptive Summary

Creator: Office of the Provost (Oglethorpe University)
Title: Office of the Provost
Dates: 1949-2013
Abstract: This collection contains documents from the Office of the Provost.
Quantity: 8 cubic feet (16 boxes)
Processed by: Rodriguez, Chelsea
Administrative History

The Provost is the chief academic officer of the university and is charged with oversight of all academic programs. The provost’s office also supervises all academic functions, including the academic divisions, the Core curriculum, the university library, the registrar’s office, the Academic Success Center, and the Oglethorpe University Museum of Art.  This collection contains documents from the Office of the Provost between the years of 1949 and 2013.



Folder List

Box 1

Folder 1. Accrediting – National Commission on Accrediting

Folder 2. Administrative Goals                                                                                      1977-1978

Folder 3. Administrative Goals                                                                                      1978-1979

Folder 4. Administrative Goals                                                                                      1979-1980

Folder 5. Administrative Goals                                                                                      1980-1981

Folder 6. Agnew Inauguration

Folder 7. Airline Pilots Association Program                                                                1971

Folder 8. Alpha Phi Omega

Folder 9. Atlanta Academic Consortium for the Jimmy Carter President Library        1977

Folder 10. Atlanta Area Teacher Education Service

Folder 11. Attrition Study                                                                                     1965-1966 & 1973-1974

Folder 12. Dr. Ruhl J. Bartlett                                                                              1965-1966

Box 2

Folder 1. Beall, Paul Rensselaer, Inauguration                                                     May 15, 1965

Folder 2. Capping Ceremony

Folder 3. College Entrance Examination

Folder 4. Commencement Programs                                                                   1971

Folder 5. Commencement                                                                                    June – August 1975

Folder 6. Commencement                                                                                    May 1976

Folder 7. Commencement                                                                                    August 1976

Folder 8. Commencement                                                                                    May 1977

Folder 9. Commencement                                                                                    August 1977

Folder 10. Commencement                                                                                  May 1978

Folder 11. Commencement                                                                                  August 1978

Folder 12. Commencement                                                                                  May 1979

Folder 13. Commencement                                                                                  August 1979

Folder 14. Committee Assignments                                                                     1978-1985

Box 3

Folder 1. Committee – Ad Hoc

Folder 2. Committee – Ad Hoc International

Folder 3. Committee – Admissions

Folder 4. Committee – Administrative Council

Folder 5. Committee – Athletics

Folder 6. Committee – Assignments                                                                         1963-1973

Folder 7. Committee – Continuing Education Program

Folder 8. Committee – Convocations

Folder 9. Committee – Curriculum                                                                            1957-1970

Folder 10. Committee – Faculty Evaluation

Folder 11. Committee – Faculty Evaluations                                                             1975-1976

Folder 12. Committee – Faculty Evaluations                                                             1958-1959

Folder 13. Committee – Faculty                                                                                 1959-1960

Box 4

Folder 1. Committee – Faculty Meeting                                                                       1949-1950

Folder 2. Committee – Faculty Meeting                                                                      1950-1951

Folder 3. Committee – Faculty Meeting                                                                      1951-1952

Folder 4. Committee – Faculty Meeting                                                                       1952-1953

Folder 5. Committee – Faculty Meeting                                                                       1953-1954

Folder 6. Committee – Faculty Meeting                                                                       1954-1955

Folder 7. Committee – Faculty Meeting                                                                       1955-1956

Folder 8. Committee – Faculty Meeting                                                                       1956-1957

Folder 9. Committee – Faculty Meeting                                                                      1957-1958

Folder 10. Committee – Fine Arts

Folder 11. Committee- Fringe Benefits

Folder 12. Committee – Long Range Planning                                                          1974-1975

Folder13. Committee – Purpose

Folder 14. Committee – Scholarship

Folder 15. Committee – Student/Administration Liaison

Folder 16. Committee – Teacher Education

Folder 17. Committee to Review Treasury Procedures

Box 5

Folder 1. Continuing Education Program

Folder 2. Convocations

Folder 3.Convocation Law Day

Folder 4. Convocation in Honor of Sir Kenneth Dover

Folder 5. Dean’s Lists

Folder 6.Dean’s Staff Meeting Minutes

Folder 7.Dedication of the Science Building

Folder 8. Duchess Club

Folder 9. Enrollment Data

Folder 10. Faculty Handbook Revised                                                                                      1966

Folder 11. Faculty Handbook Revised                                                                                      1974

Folder 12. Faculty Handbook                                                                                                     1977

Folder 13. Faculty Handbook                                                                                                     1980

Folder 14. Faculty Handbook                                                                                                     1981

Folder 15.Faculty/Student Ratio

Box 6

Folder 1. Five Year Plan, 1988-1993

Folder 2. Flying Petrel, 1966-1988

Folder 3. Flying Petrel, 1989-2001

Folder 4. Georgia Education Association

Folder 5. Georgia Foundation for Independent Colleges

Folder 6. Georgia Department of Education

Box 7

Folder 1. Georgia State Department of Education #1

Folder 2. Georgia State Department of Education #2

Folder 3. Georgia State Department of Education #3

Folder 4. Georgia Higher Education Faculties Commission #1

Folder 5. Georgia Higher Education Faculties Commission #2

Box 8

Folder 1. Grading Trends, 1961-1976

Folder 2. Graduate Programs in Education #1

Folder 3. Graduate Programs in Education #2

Folder 4. History of Oglethorpe by Dr. Abbott

Folder 5. History of Oglethorpe by Agnew

Folder 6. History of Oglethorpe by Dr. Goslin

Folder 7. History of Oglethorpe by Dr. Jake Wade

Folder 8. Language Laboratory

Folder 9. Library- Annual Report

Box 9

Folder 1. Library Book Detectio                                                                                         1976

Folder 2. Library General Information                                                                                1964-1971

Folder 3. Library General Information Annual Report                                                       1974-1979

Folder 4. Library Reports

Folder 5. Library Staff Information

Folder 6. Library Renovation

Folder 7. Library Work Results of Self-Study                                                                    1973-1974

Folder 8. Lowry Hall – Renovation Spears Construction

Folder 9. Merrill Trust Proposal Information                                                                      1976

Folder 10. Montessori                                                                                                        1965-1966

Box 10

Folder 1. National Defense Education Act                                                                   1964-1966

Folder 2. National Foundation of the Arts and the Humanities                                     1965

Folder 3. National Policy for Private Higher Education

Folder4. National Science Foundation

Folder 5. Non- Returning Students Fall                                                                        1976

Folder 6. Office of Civil Rights

Folder 7. Oglethorpe, James Edward, Award

Folder 8. Oglethorpe – Philip Weltner

Folder 9. Oglethorpe Players

Folder 10. The Oglethorpe Idea

Folder 11. Oglethorpe University History

Box 11

Folder 1. Orientation Week

Folder 2. O.U. Marketing Plans                                                                                  September 2000

Folder 3. O.U. Name Change Committee

Folder4.  O.U. Plan for Success                                                                                 October 2001

Folder 5. O.U. Self Study                                                                                            February 1996

Folder 6.  O.U. Strategic Initiatives for the Twenty-First Century                               January 1994

Folder 7. O.U. Strategic Initiatives for the Twenty-First Century                                January 1998

Folder 8. O.U. Women’s Club

Folder 9. Phi Beta Kappa

Folder 10. President’s Communications

Folder 11. President’s Council

Folder 12. Presidential Scholarships                                                                          1973-1974

Folder 13. Programs, Lectures

Folder 14. Public Relations

Folder 15. Questions and Answers

Box 12

Folder 1. Retired Professors Registry

Folder 2. ROTC

Folder 3. Schmidt Hall

Folder 4. Science Building Contract

Box 13

Folder 1. Science Building Plans #1

Folder 2. Science Building Plans #2

Folder 3. Science Building Project

Folder 4. Science Building – Work in Progress

Folder 5. Selective Service System

Folder 6. Self Study 1973

Box 14

Folder 1. Self Study 1963

Folder 2. Self Study Alumni Questionnaire                                                                            1963

Folder 3. Self Study Dean Amerson File                                                                                1973

Folder 4. Self Study Divisions                                                                                                1977

Folder 5. Self Study Follow-Up Reports                                                                                 1963

Folder 6. Self Study Recommendations                                                                                1973-1974

Folder 7. Self Study Teacher Education                                                                                1976

Box 15

Folder 1. Self Study Teacher Education

Folder 2. Self Study Visiting Committee                                                                          1963

Folder 3. Self Study Visiting Committee                                                                          1973-1974

Folder 4. Southern Association of Colleges 5-Year Report                                             1968

Folder 5. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools #1                                          1961-1974

Folder 6. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools #2                                          1961-1974

Folder 7. Southern Recorder

Box 16

Folder 1. Student Activities

Folder 2. Student Government

Folder 3. Statues and Ordinances

Folder 4. Title IX                                                                                                                  1976

Folder 5. Town Meeting                                                                                                       1977

Folder 6. Town Meeting                                                                                                       1976-1978

Folder 7. U.S. Office of Education

Folder 8. Van Gilder, Lester L.                                                                                            1972

Folder 9. Veterans Administration OU

Folder 10. Xingu

Folder 11. Yamacraw


Administrative Information

Preferred Citation:
Please cite: Office of the Provost, MS 33, Archives, Philip Weltner Library, Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, Georgia. Permission to publish from this collection must be approved in writing by the Director of the Library, Oglethorpe University.