Old Oglethorpe University
1833-1877 [bulk 1847-1858]
MS 12
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Oglethorpe University
Old Oglethorpe University
1833-1877 [bulk 1847-1858]
Oglethorpe University was originally located in Midway, a community of Milledgeville, Georgia. The founding date was 1835. These papers include report cards, correspondence, receipts, invitations, catalogs, addresses and essays, notebooks, and newspaper clippings concerning the everyday life of the school and its students in this original location. The campus relocated to Atlanta, Georgia in the early 20th century.
3 linear feet
Administrative History
Oglethorpe University was chartered by the state of Georgia in 1835, shortly after the centennial observance of the state. The college was named after James Edward Oglethorpe, the founder of Georgia. Oglethorpe University, which commenced actual operations in 1838, was one of the earliest denominational institutions in the South located below the Virginia line. The antebellum college, which began with four faculty members and about 125 students, was located at Midway, a small community near Milledgeville, then the capital of Georgia. Oglethorpe’s president during much of this period was Samuel Kennedy Talmage, an eminent minister and educator. Oglethorpe’s most distinguished alumnus from the antebellum era was the poet, critic, and musician Sidney Lanier, who graduated in 1860. The Civil War brought an end to the college. It re-opened in 1872 for a short time then closed again until its revival in Atlanta in 1913.
The arrangement is alphabetical by subject.
The Old Oglethorpe papers consist of items related to the university when it was founded and resided in Midway, Georgia. Items include correspondence, report cards, notebooks, receipts, catalogues, and addresses.
Subject Headings
Eichelberger, Adam L, 1828-1909
Fitten, John Holmes, 1818-1900
Fraser, Donald, 1826-1887
Hamilton, William Thomas. (W. T.), 1795-1884.
Hook, J. S. (James Schley), 1824-1907
Hunter, Alexander, 1775-1859
Hunter, Benjamin T. (Terry), 1835-1917
Gordon, George A. (Anderson), 1830-1872.
Johnson, Herschel V. (Vespasian), 1812-1880.
Kennedy, Robert T.
Mitchell, W. H. (William Henry), 1812-1872.
Oglethorpe College (Atlanta, Ga.)
Oglethorpe University (Atlanta, Ga.)
Oglethorpe University (Atlanta, Ga.)–Alumni and alumnae–Directories
Oglethorpe University (Atlanta, Ga.)–History
Oglethorpe University (Atlanta, Ga.). Phi Delta Society
Oglethorpe University (Atlanta, Ga.). Thalian Society
Presbyterians–South Carolina–History
Presbyterians–Southern States–History
Presbyterians–United States
Sasnett, William Jacob, 1820-1865
Simms, William Gilmore, 1806-1870
Stiles, William H. (Henry), 1808-1865.
Talmage, Samuel Kennedy, 1798-1865
Folder List
Box 1
Folder 1. Address. “Lecture Delivered before the Georgia Historical Society, February 29th and March 4th, 1844, on the Subject of Education” by Samuel K. Talmadge. Savannah: Press of Locke and Davis, 1844.
Folder 2. Address. “Self-Development. An Oration Delivered before the Literary Societies of Oglethorpe University, Georgia, November 10, 1847” by William Gilmore Simms. Milledgeville: Thalian Society, 1847. “Truth: Its Nature and Its Grandeur. An Address, Delivered before the Students of Oglethorpe University in the College Chapel, Sunday, September 18th, 1847, by Rev. W. T. Hamilton, D. D., of Mobile, Ala.” Milledgeville, GA: Federal Union Office, n.d.
Folder 3. Address. “Reasons for Public Thanksgiving. A Discourse Delivered before the Legislature of Georgia, in the Representative Chamber, Milledgeville, on Thanksgiving Day, November 29, 1849. By the Rev. Samuel K. Talmage, D. D., President of Oglethorpe University.” Milledgeville: Southern Recorder Office, 1849.
Folder 4. Address. “Study, the Only Sure Means of Ultimate Success. An Address Delivered before the Thalian and Phi Delta Societies of Oglethorpe University, Georgia, at the Annual Commencement July 19th, 1854, by the Hon. William H. Stiles, of Savannah.” Milledgeville: Southern Recorder Office, 1854. 3 copies. “A Defence [sic] of Denominational Education, by R. C. Smith, of Oglethorpe University, Ga.” Milledgeville: Federal Union Power Press, 1854.
Folder 5. Address. “Obligations of Civilization to the Arts and Sciences. An Address before the Thalian and Phi Delta Societies of Oglethorpe University, Delivered at Commencement, on the 23rd of July 1856, by Herschel V. Johnson, A. M. An Honorary Member of the Phi Delta Society. Milledgeville: Federal Union Power Press, 1856.
Folder 6. Address. “False Perspective. An Address before the Phi Delta and Thalian Societies, of Oglethorpe University, Delivered at the Commencement, on the 22d of July 1857, by George A. Gordon, Esq., an Honorary Member of the Thalian Society.” Savannah; George N. Nichols, Printer, 1857.
Folder 7. Address. “The Bible and Republicanism. An Address Delivered before the Literary Societies of Oglethorpe University at the Late Annual Commencement, by J. S. Hook, Honorary Member of the Thalian Society.” Macon: Georgia Telegraph Stem Printing House, 1859.
Folder 8. Autograph book. Loose pages belonging to student named David or Dave (maybe David S. McIvers) with notes and signatures from other students including Geo. (George) S. Thomas; Wm. (William) H. Harris; E. (Elbert) Calhoun; W. (William) McPherson; H. K. Daniels; Henry E. Martin; W. (William) A. Carter; A. W. Millican; B. H. Craig; Robt. H. (Robert Henry) Fleming. 1856.
Folder 9. Book excerpt. Pages 411-421 (section on Georgia) from The family tourist. A visit to the principal cities of the western continent: embracing an account of their situation, origin, plan, extent, their inhabitants, manners, customs, and amusements together with sketches of historical events by C. A. Goodrich. Philadelphia: J. W. Bradley, 1848.
Folder 10. Catalogue. Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Oglethorpe University, for the year 1852. Milledgeville: Federal Union Office, 1852. 2 copies.
Folder 11. Catalogue. Catalogue of the Officers, Students & Alumni of Oglethorpe University, for the year 1853. Macon: Benjamin F. Griffin, 1853.
Folder 12. Catalogue. Catalogue of the Officers, Students and Alumni of Oglethorpe University, Georgia, 1854-1855. Macon: Benjamin F. Griffin, 1855. 2 copies (1 incomplete).
Folder 13. Catalogue. Catalogue of the Officers, Alumni and Students of Oglethorpe University, (Near Milledgeville,) Georgia, 1857-1858. Macon: Lewis H. Andrews, Book and Job Printer, 1858. 2 copies.
Folder 14. Catalogue. Catalogue of the Officers, Alumni and Students of Oglethorpe University, Near Milledgeville, Georgia, 1858-1859. Augusta: Steam Power Press of the Chronicle & Sentinel, 1859. 2 copies.
Folder 15. Catalogue. Catalogue of the Officers, Alumni and Students of Oglethorpe University, Near Milledgeville, Georgia, 1859-1860. Augusta: Steam Power Press of the Chronicle & Sentinel, 1860.
Folder 16. Commencement program. November 13, 1850.
Folder 17. Commencement program. July 19, 1854.
Folder 18. Commencement party invitation. July 21, 1858.
Folder 19. Commencement ball invitation. July 21, 1858.
Folder 20. Correspondence. Reference letter for John. H. Fitten (class of 1839) by N. M. (Nathaniel Macon) Crawford (professor of mathematics and astronomy), November 11, 1839.
Folder 21. Correspondence. Transcription of letter to John. W. Jones (maybe Georgia congressman John William Jones [1806-1871]) from Thomas F. Wells (class of 1847) congratulating on honorary membership to the Thalian Society, October 31, 1846. Transcription of letter to John W. Jones from Clinton Wright (class of 1850) asking for a copy of a congressional report.
Folder 22. Correspondence. Letter to Rev. W. H. Thompson from William Henry Mitchell regarding promotion of Oglethorpe, March 25, 1853.
Folder 23. Correspondence. Letter to “Dear Old Friend” from William J. Sasnett while Sasnett was a professor at Emory College at Oxford, GA, July 23, 1853.
Folder 24. Correspondence. Copy of letter to James C. Furman from Samuel K. Talmage asking him to visit Oglethorpe, September 1838. Reference letter for John H. Fitten (class of 1839) authorizing him to solicit subscriptions for Oglethorpe, November 17, 1841. Letter to [Illegible] from Samuel K. Talmage regarding his attendance at a Presbyterian meeting, August 23, 1853.
Folder 25. Delegate to Convention 1877. Certificate of attendance for John H. Fitten to 1877 Constitutional Convention, July 10, 1877.
Folder 26. Diary. Diary Benjamin T. Hunter (class of 1857) kept during his last year at Oglethorpe, regular entries January-June 1857. Stormy Petrel issue (V. LXXXIII, I. I) from August 31 2007, detailing the return of the diary by former student Tom Peterson.
Folder 27. Endowment Letter. Subscription information for Presbyterian pastors to share with congregations to solicit donations to Oglethorpe, November 14, 1851.
Folder 28. Indenture. Deed dated March 1, 1880, between Samuel D. [illegible] and Donald Fraser filed in Fulton County, Georgia. Deed dated March 6, 1880, between Adam L Eichelberger and Donald Fraser filed in Marion County, Florida.
Folder 29. Diary. “Manual for the Year 1856” of Alexander Hunter, father of Benjamin T. (See also Box 1, Folder 26) and Theodore, two Oglethorpe students, compromising daily weather and information regarding life on the plantation in Lowndesville, Abbeville County, South Carolina, and money and funds coming and going. Letter to Philip Weltner from Alex M. Hintz regarding donation of Hunter family material, July 31, 1951.
Folder 30. Map. Copy of Oglethorpe University campus drawn by Professor C. W. Lane, 1865. 4 copies.
Box 2
Folder 31. Minutes. Minutes of the Presbytery of South Carolina, Spring Session, Held at Retreat Church, Pickens, on the 18th, 19th and 20th of April, 1861. Columbia: Steam-Press of Robert M. Stokes, 1861. Mention of Oglethorpe found on page 25.
Folder 32. Minutes. Minutes of the Synod of South-Carolina and Georgia at their Sessions in Columbia, S. C. December, 1833 with an Appendix. Charleston: Observer Office Press, 1834. Digitized copy found here.
Folder 33. Minutes. Minutes of the Synod of South Carolina and Georgia at their Sessions in Charleston, (S. C.) November 1841 with an Appendix. Charleston: Observer Office Press, 1841. Mentions of Oglethorpe found on pages 8, 11, 15-16, 24-25, 28, 31, 53-61. Digitized copy found here.
Folder 34. Minutes. Minutes of the Synod of South Carolina and Georgia at their Sessions in Athens, Ga., November 1842. With an Appendix. Charleston: Observer Office Press, 1842. Mentions of Oglethorpe found on pages 13, 18, 31-32. Digitized copy found here.
Folder 35. Minutes. Minutes of the Synod of South Carolina and Georgia, at their Sessions in Augusta, Ga., Nov. & Dec. 1843. With an Appendix. Charleston: Observer Office Press, 1843. Mentions of Oglethorpe found on pages 12, 14, 16-17, 20, 21-23, 29, 30, 57. Digitized copy found here.
Folder 36. Manuscript. Original Thesis on the Origins of [illegible]. Appears to be on Shakespeare. Note: Found in pamphlet collection Jan. 27, 1930. Evidently some manuscript of Prof. Victor [?]. n.d.
Folder 37. Oglethorpe University Magazine, Vol. 1, No. 2, Feb. 1855.
Folder 38. Oration. An Oration Delivered on the Fourth of July, 1839, before the Thalian and Phi Delta Societies of Oglethorpe University by J. [John] H. [Holmes] Fitten. Milledgeville: Journal Office, 1839. Fitten was the first honor graduate of the first graduating class of Oglethorpe (1840) and served as tutor then professor.
Folder 39. Newspaper. Boston Recorder, Oct. 23, 1819. Clipping. Description of interactions with Native Americans.
Folder 40. Newspaper. Georgia Journal, Vol. XXVIII, No. 50, Aug. 8, 1837. Description of founding of Oglethorpe.
Folder 41. Newspaper. Shelby News, May 11, 1853. Clipping. Description of Southern Eclectic journal edited by John Holmes Fitten.
Folder 42. Newspaper. Christian Observer, Sep. 23, 1914. Clipping. Image and description of Central Hall at Oglethorpe.
Folder 43. Newspaper. Unknown title, n.d. Copy of clipping. Image of Central Hall and article on Oglethorpe. Letter to Thomas Chandler from Marion Viccars regarding the clipping, Feb. 15, 1977.
Folders 39-43. Periodical, 1819, 1837, 1853, 1914, undated
Folders 44-45. Poem, 1867, 1899
Folders 46-47. Receipts, 1850, 1880
Folder 48. Report Card of Benjamin Hunter, 1855
Folder 49. Robert T. Kennedy Papers, 1852
Folder 50. Scrapbook, undated
Folder 51. Financial Documents
Box 3 (Oversize)
Minutes, Trustees, Oct. 1835-Jun. 1870
Box 4 (Oversize)
Minutes, Trustees, Mar. 1870-Dec. 1879
Preferred Citation
Please cite Old Oglethorpe University, Archives, Philip Weltner Library, Oglethorpe University, Atlanta, Georgia. Permission to publish from this collection must be approved in writing by the Director of the Library, Oglethorpe University.